& Text Interfaces

Billions of underbanked people use mobile phones—often feature phones with inconsistent connectivity. In much of the world, USSD transactions continue to dominate. Even for those who can access smartphones, low digital confidence and expensive data are barriers. Acknowledge how and where users prefer to engage by offering multiple distribution options, including conversational interfaces. Offering your product within the device and data constraints of a last mile use provides accessibility, simplicity, and familiarity and can make digital money feel seamless.

When a last-mile user sees a digital financial service, they are often wondering...


…still use this if I don’t own a smartphone?

...access this product without data? What if I pay for data only once in a while?

...get what I need without getting lost in long text menus?

...complete this transaction in the quickest way possible?

...prioritize the limited space on my phone, or the remainder of my data?

…trust that my money will get where it needs to go when my connection often lags or drops?

Moments that matter